My Patients
Personal Stories
ike others, maybe like you, my weight has gone up and down over the years. Every time I lost weight, I managed to quickly FIND it plus a little more. I was very discouraged that my weight was damaging my body. My inability to be active was causing me to age beyond my years. As I approached retirement, I knew my weight was compromising my long-term health, and I was in no shape to join my husband in our retirement dreams of travel and activity.
A friend was achieving some success with the lap band surgery, and I began to explore the surgical option for myself. After attending educational classes and support groups, I understood this was no magic pill, but a tool that would give my TRY a little UMPH. Then – a complication: I had stomach polyps and the bariatric doctor I was working with did not feel comfortable doing the surgery. I was referred to Dr. Ellner and the Center of Excellence in San Diego. That was my lucky day! Dr. Ellner’s experience, knowledge and expertise alleviated all issues, and after some research on my own, I agreed to her recommendation that gastric bypass would be a better long term alternative to gastric banding. The surgery was trouble-free and I was back on my feet (and in the gym) very quickly.
I have been a diligent patient. I strictly adhered to the pre-op diet, even when my surgery was postponed for three weeks due to pneumonia. I had been going to Jazzercise for a couple of years, but I upped the game both before and after surgery with long walks, classes and self-directed workouts at the gym. I have embraced the bariatric lifestyle, and frequently read and contribute to several bariatric social network groups. I attend a weekly TOPS meeting where I weigh in and chart my weight, and I have drawn a line in the sand! If my weight ever creeps up to that line (it so far has not!), it is time to double down my efforts in the gym and at the table.
Gastric bypass surgery was the best decision I ever made to empower myself to maintain a healthy weight. There are non-negotiable rules to follow, and you must commit to these rules, including healthy eating, consuming the necessary daily protein and vitamin requirements, and exercise. Following these rules, I feel great, I look great (so I’m told!) and I am encouraged that my efforts are preserving my health. I love to cook, and finding and preparing healthy recipes is a lot of fun. Oh, and when we traveled to New York recently, I was able to keep up with my daughter, nieces and nephews while we walked as much as 8 miles a day! Retirement? Bring it on! I’m ready for this active and healthy time of life. Thank you, Dr. Ellner!
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