Bypass Toolkit
The "Toolkit" is an instructional manual that I provide to my patients and their primary doctors after their surgery. It is designed to assist patients who have scheduled surgery with me, to give them an idea of what to expect, etc., before coming to the clinic for their "Pre-Op Day", and to serve as a guide with reminders for following the program after surgery. It is also a good source of information for people who are considering having gastric banding or gastric bypass surgery and wish to see what life would be like in my program.
It is important to understand that the contents of this instructional manual are geared toward patients who have had surgery by me, or who are entering my program. I am providing this information for these reasons only and I do wish to make it clear that it is not meant to be “instructional” for a patient from a different program. This is important to understand because each surgeon does the respective operations a little differently and the post-operative programs are very different. What is safe and appropriate in one program isn't necessarily so in another. If you have undergone bariatric surgery, it is important to ask your surgeon about making any changes in your program before doing so.