My Patients
Personal Stories
M y story is simple, I was a chubby child and teenager. Family meals were meat, potatoes, vegetable and of course dessert. Both of my parents were larger and exercise was a word I never heard. As the years moved forward so did my weight. I tried all the diets, Weight Watchers, Atkins, and others. I would lose some weight, but a diet is something I did for a while and then fell back into old habits. As I gained more weight I would always compare myself to everyone else and I was always the fattest person in the room. This made me shy away from all social situations and of course I turned to food.
Everyone has a moment the sticks in their mind, mine was driving down a street and I heard an announcement for a weight loss seminar. I immediately looked up the information and found the seminar was only a couple of miles from my home and the next Saturday. I signed up immediately. Dr. Ellner spoke for over 2 hours and I listened to every word. She also spoke that weight has a hereditary aspect to it and that was my light bulb moment. I knew then I wasn’t a totally weak person but that I needed help and tools to get my weight under control. Tuesday I was in Dr. Ellner's office and would have had the surgery immediately but I had a lot to learn and be educated about. Dr Ellner isn’t just a great doctor but a great educator. I learned what I needed to do and not do. More importantly for me she explained why I should do things. Eventually I was ready for surgery and never looked back or hesitated.
The surgery went great and the staff at Alvarado Hospital was great. Dr. Ellner was there and very supportive. The next few months had its ups and downs in learning to follow the plan. When I had any issues or questions Dr Ellner was there with answers and support. I was always amazed how she always met with me and spoke on the phone when I called. She is very hands on and caring. The weight came off and it changed my life. But it was 6 months before I faced the dreaded word of exercise. I listened to Dr Ellner and signed up at the gym and the same day I got a trainer. The gym is a scary and intimidating place. My trainer was great at demystifying the gym and all those machines. I now go to the gym 5-7 days a week and enjoy it. Gastric bypass changed my body, my health and outlook on life. The biggest change is how I feel about myself and of course clothes look better. I will always be grateful to Dr. Ellner for her help and support. My only regret is I did not meet Dr. Ellner 15 years ago and have the gastric bypass surgery. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.