Jewish Penicillin
It Really Is That Good!
A lvarado Hospital has many redeeming qualities, from its long history of caring for the obese and groundbreaking surgical techniques to its commitment to providing personal care in what can be an impersonal business. But known only to San Diegans is the benefit of its location. It is uniquely situated a stone’s throw from D.Z. Akins, a New-York style deli which is famous for its chicken broth, or Jewish Penicillin , as it is called on the menu.
My patients are on a diet of water, broth, protein drinks and jell-o for a week after surgery. Everyone knows that there is no comparison between chicken broth from a can and that which comes from their own kitchen. The canned stuff can get pretty old pretty quickly. The broth from this deli is as close to that which you would make in your home as you can imagine. The owners of D.Z. Akins, having had gastric bypass surgery themselves, know how to make it so it sits well after surgery, and have been providing this warm, soothing liquid to my patients for years. They have a quick “to-go” counter where you or a family member can get a pint or quart of broth to take back to the hotel for your enjoyment. The nurses on our hospital unit are also more than happy to have a family member bring in a quart of the broth for a patient the day after surgery, and they will heat it up in small increments as desired. Oh, and by the way, the rest of the menu is huge, as are the portions, so there is typically something for everyone in the family. You can view the whole menu on their website at
Trust me. It’s worth it.
Julie Ellner, M.D.
P.S. The only financial connection that I have with D.Z. Akins is all the food I buy there for myself.